450 450 gets a gyro transplant


Well-Known Member
Well my 300x became a donor-copter for the second time. I lost the blades to my brothers SR. So with a bent feathering shaft, 3 bad servo gear sets, a bent main shaft, stripped main gear, and cracked tail box, I felt it was time to transfer the AR7200bx to the 450 and put the Tarot ZYX aside for a bit.
I am worried about my headspeed right now. I have a HobbyKing 450 Series 3400kV motor, Helical gears with an 11T pinion and 121T Main gear.
With this following video, I have a throttle curve of 0-30-50-55-60. Seems like a low curve for the headspeed I am achieving. I will have to wait for my buddy to come over before we can put a tach on it though.
What do you think?


Staff member
Run a 0 65 65 65 65 curve for normal mode. You can raise that up to 75 if you watn a little more. But yes, that is a very low curve.


Well-Known Member
So you think my headspeed is actually too low in this video and it should be spinning faster?
I was feeling like I had to knock my curve down to be at a comfortable speed.
Is my gearing is a proper combo for the 3400 kV motor ?


Staff member
Yeah, it sounds a little low to me, but the key is, if it works for you, then stick with it. I have always liked a higher head speed. Makes the helicopter a little more stable.


Well-Known Member
Well, here's 0-65-65-65-65.
Maybe it's me being indoors that make it sounds a bit wicked.


Staff member
Was that a fully charged battery? Sounds like it was bogging down a bit once you started putting pitch to it.


Well-Known Member
I put the optical tach to it and was seeing about 2350 at just slightly below mid stick that would have been at or approaching the 65%. I am going to stick with it, but order a 10T pinion to give me room on the other side.
As for the E-Flight 2200, it's a 30C that has seen flights in the Rc-Help Trainer, Bumble Bee Quad, Sukhoi 29 and the 450 Heli's.
Another candidate for a freebee to the guys I fly with.


Staff member
The 450's are good up to 3500rpm head speed. I think you will be find with the 11 tooth pinion. I do believe that is the exact setup that I'm running on both my Pro V2 and SE V2, both with helical cut gears.
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