450 3gx setup with Futaba R617FS


New Member
Hi Guys

First; let me say I have been flying flybarred nitros and 1 Gasser, for over 30 years, I have issues with new technology; and I may be getting old, I let my helis sit on the shelf for the last 16 years, and while I can still fly, let's just say I don't have the skills I once had. I have my sons and grandsons flying now, and they will soon be flying better than me they obviously have better flying skills than I do. Nuts!!!

I just purchased a Trex 450 pro, my first electric and first flybarless, lot of firsts there.

I would appreciate some one taking me through; A step by step walkthrough, with the 3gx and a Futaba R617S receiver. The receiver is linked/bound to the radio, the esc is plugged in to the 3gx, as well as the other misc go between wires hooked up to the 3gx and receiver, as per the destructions, I mean instructions.

The transmitter lights up and the receiver lights green and the 3GX stares at me and says," hey old man stick with flybars and nitro's your to old for this, and you'll never figure it out" "and your a looser".

Now it's not that I disagree with the 3gx, it apparently knows me all to well, but it would impress my grandsons if I could get this thing airborn. I plan on using the 450 to practice invert flight and other manuvers before I get too carried away with the more expensive machines, I haven't been inverted in so long I thought it was called upside downey. By the way I did my first loop in over 16 years, the other day, that's what convinced me to practice with the 450, it was successful, but it was uncomfortable, and old.

Thanks for your help; Remember this is my first time with the 3gx so type slowly, and be patient and forgiving.

Thanks Bob


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