Windy flying


Went flying with the 450 and the half and half 500 today. Here is how the 450 went.
Way too much work trying to keep the earth away from it.

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Staff member
Looked good for the amount of wind that you were dealing with. High winds are very hard to fly in, but you did great. Keep the videos coming!


Thanks. It was really challenging. But I'm less nervous now.
There is an excess of wind in Nebraska, so I'll keep practicing.


Staff member
Same here in Oklahoma. But, if you are not flying in the wind, you are not going to fly lol.

Ken Jackson

Active Member
Wind whats that? Hey the 450 is tough in the wind. 500 and up dont seem to care. Dont fly in unpredictable wind. Hey if there's no wind how would we decide which way to face on takeoff, Lol.



Staff member
unpredictable wind? Isn't all wind that way? You never know when you are going to get clean or dirty air so you must always be ready for collective input to control the heli. I might do some flying this weekend, and if it'slike any other time I have "planned" to fly, it will be windy as hell. I will see if I can get some video of the wind buffeting this poor 450 around. Hopefully without a crash lol. Wish I could take the 600, but it's not doing too good and don't want to risk crashing it.
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