700 Which 700 You Like?


how do they compare to trex . or what I am playing with thunder tiger . I know that it is a more expensive. the thunder tiger and the trex that I bought are made in china .


Staff member
I might get hate mail on this but hey what the heck.

Goblin and msh are way better by a long shot. Higher quality, better designs. Down side to that is higher price point.

Lynx got popular because of the upgrade business. Blade and Align is what drive that market.

Back in the day align would release a model, did out it still had problems. To correct the issues align would release the fix as an upgrade and charge a decent amount for it.
Not sure about their current business model. I have owned 2 out of three Italian models. I have a goblin and I have had an MSH Protos mini (the original).


Staff member
Align is actually made in Taiwan, not China. Unless you have a clone, then yup, China.

IMO, SAB (Goblin) is at the top as far as quality goes. Yes, you pay for what you get in this case. Mikado is also a great brand as is Gaui. Again, you get what you pay for. Of course you can't forget Synergy. All of which are all better than Align and apples to oranges against the clones. Thunder Tiger was a good brand back in the 90's but Align passed them in the early 2K's.

With all of that said (all personal opinion mind you), if you have it and enjoy flying it, stick with it. If you want to upgrade, that is awesome! Just know it will change your mind on what you currently think about what you already have. I say this with experience. I started with clones, went to an Align in '12 and was given a Goblin a couple years ago. Now, I can't see buying anything other than SAB from now on... I love this hobby lol.


I hope the trex that I bought is not a clone . I bought it from helidirect . I did not know trex was made in Taiwan .happy with what I own . even the two 550 size helicopters that I have I don't like the canopy's . I like military style canopy's and the price for one of them are just as expensive as the helicopters them selves . so I will be happy for now with what I have.


Staff member
Your safe there. Heli direct does.not sell clones to my knowledge. The only sell named brands

Synergy is an awesome high quality USA designed brand. Matt Botos makes a killer kit. Again it costs money.

Align is made in Tiwan by a vacuum cleaner company, ha ha lmao.

Nothing against align. They fly just as well as any other kit. Oh and I personally would rank Gaui almost in line or equal in quality. GAUI has been known to be lacking in the QC department an Sparta support has been spotty in the past.


Goblin 380 Supporter
Well let me say I've built and flown many brands. I bought a 570 off Ebay years ago for a very discounted price so that doesn't count. This Goblin kit retails for 899 and the quality and what you get for 899 IMO is a better value then most others. That being said they offer a few "special edition" kits that are $$


Active Member
Now that is a gorgeous Goblin , I have had clones and have 2 500 class Trex , but the goblin build was my favourite the parts are layed in sections in the box just wish I could had more of them


That it is really nice kit sir what model are the Savox servos you put in?

Ill jump in here on models.. I have a Gaui X5 and it is the bomb compared to my Align 550. But I do love flying the align as well they are just different machines for feel.

I was recently in the market for a 700 and was playing the mental what do I do...Brand new, I would have juggled between Gaui and Goblin.

I ended up with a baseline kit (motor only) Align 700X for less than half price of new so I could not turn it down, and in all honesty, between us all we've flown all of them. Goblin, Gaui, Align, Synergy etc and there are pros and cons everywhere. Bottom line I fly all of mine and love each one for what they give me, the pleasure of the hobby. I don't really think there are wrong answers with the brands that are listed they are all great machines in their own right.

Enjoy. you have a super nice machine there let us know how she flys.


Goblin 380 Supporter
Hi, the servos are SB-2273SG on the cyclic and a SB-2272MG on the tail. I was saving those all for a scale project but o-well... If it ever stops raining here I can fly it again...


Well-Known Member
Great looking helicopter, I would put the Goblin at the top of the list, but as a sports flyer I will probably never own one, it would be like driving a Ferrari as the shopping hack.
I started out with Blade , then moved to Clones followed by Align, now days Align, KDS & Gaui, I find the new KDS very under rated, the old ones were junk clones but the Agile & Chase are great.
Just getting into Gaui, while there is a lot of plastic they are defiantly more then fit for purpose.


Goblin 380 Supporter
Your so right, I'm probably using 10% of what these machines are capable of....lol I enjoy building more then flying


Staff member
One thing for sure, I dont fly all that well. I have a few flights on my goblin, not once did I have to do any maintenance due to parts wearing out. Goblins are very reliable machines. As long as I keep up with any preventive maintenance it wil not failm often. The only time I need to repair something is after a crash. The one thing you can put your money on is that it will just fly with out question.
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