General What I can not understand amongst other things in life


Active Member
Being very new to this and very stupid I always though that a heli needed the highest possible head speed within reason of course to obtain stability. Yet when learning the throttle seems to be quite low at 60% for the pitch curve. Please help out a confused old man.


Well-Known Member
Higher headspeed will make it more stable to a degree, but it will also make it very sensitive to control. Think of it like a race car. In a straight line at high speed your granny could drive it, but once you start turning corners, its going to get out of shape quick without the skill necessary to control it.


Well-Known Member
always remember a collective pitch heli does not auto correct itself like a air hog heli... For every command you give a CP heli you have to give it the opposite stick inputs to level back out....


imagine it like you are flying on an imaginary Swiss ball ..... the heli is always trying to fall off it in any direction at no notice...... you have to counter the drift or movement and then centre cyclic (relax your thumbs)... then wait will the next angle it is falling off.
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