"The new guy"


New Member
Hey folks, just stopping by to learn a few lessons on quadcopters before I build my first. I come from Texas with lots of wind! The site looks very helpful from the lurking I have been doing! Y'all have a good one and we will see you around!


Staff member
Being in Oklahoma, I'm not sure we can let you in this forum... lmao, Just kidding. If your into collage football, you will understand the joke.

Quads seem to be where it's at now days. Let us know what questions you have and we will help you out. And post pictures of anything you have now and when you start the build, by all means, start a build thread so we can follow along with the progress.

Welcome to RCH!



Welcome to the forum! Yeah, Tony's right...the Sooner's love their football! I remember once back in the 80's we were camping in Norman, OK. The campground emptied out one morning and I made the mistake of asking the person working at the camp store where everyone went. She looked at us like we were space aliens because we not only didn't know there was a game that day, but weren't going to it!

I miss Oklahoma!

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