Spring Cleaning


Staff member
Re: Sprung cleaning

Is it bad to have random rc parts AND .45 shells in the same box? Lmao.




Staff member
Oh, those rounds are spent lol. Don't EVER mess with me when I'm flying hahahahaha :lmao:


Okay now that you have the box emptied out, what do you do with it all now? Do what I do, TOOOOOO HARD to make a decision on what keep and what to toss out, just put it all back in the box for another day.lmao ha ha ha ha


Staff member
Andy, that is exactly what I Have done for the past two years. It's now time to retire that poor Newegg box. I have already had to tape it back together because the corner seam blew out a year ago. IT's time to organize everything. I'm about 60% through the box ATM, but got side tracked by my 450 and the new servos lol. Figures. Damn ADD. Oh look, a fly...


If you don't need the parts do what I'm going to do with the parts from my totaled e-sky heli. Took a photo and made a list and intend to dump them on e-bay. Maybe someone will get some use out of them. If nothing else they won't be taking up space.
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