250 Ordered a 300x today

Graham Lawrie

Well-Known Member
Me to,after the debate on what connectors,i bought all 3 to try out and i have fitted EC3,s to my 600,s ESC ,quite tight to push in after my soldering but i like them although they feel cheap compared to XT60,s which are very hard to pull apart. Liking the rundown on the Blade Xokia, it sounds like Lee said that they are churning out masses and cheap, probably a marketing ploy that sounds as if it may come back to bite them. I know when i was looking at helis, and i know Align are far from perfect, but the quality £ for £ was better compared to Blade.


Active Member
I find the xt60 easy to take apart. Not as easy as deans. But not as hard as the ec3's.

I think the cheapness can have pluses and minuses. For instance the 130x when crashed most of the time there is no damage. Now the 300x there will be damage in a crash bust just from pricing the parts out I suspect will be $5-35 on average. My trex 450 I haven't crashed yet but I suspect the average cost of that is $20 on up.

So crashes will be signifacantly cheaper with the 300x over the 450. My mcpx gets little to no flying time anymore as the 130x is just so much more capable. So I practice 3D on the 130x. Then I try it on the 300x then move up to my 450. That's the plan anyway. I just started flipping my 450 recently and flying it inverted.


Active Member
Picked up a small camera from hobby-king so I could record some flights from the helicopters point of view. I recieved it in the mail today and had to quickly attach it to the helicopter and try it out before it got to dark. For $35 I dont have any complaints.

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