NightFlyyer (Dave Herbert)


Staff member
Most of you all in this hobby know who NightFlyyer is. He has almost 900 videos, almost 50,000 subscribers on youtube, is a former Marine who fought in Vietnam and is just an all around great guy. Well today I learned that on Sept. 11 2016, a fire started in his garage attic that destroyed everything him and his wife owned. Including every last model that he ever had as well as all of the vintage items.

Ever since the FAA got involved, the Rc Community has gotten closer than ever. So much so we are like family. And when something this devastating happens, it hurts all of us. I have already reached out to Dave asking what we can do to help and I'm awaiting a response. He has never been on this site that I know of, he may not even know we exist, but I still reached out. If you all would like to do the same, his youtube name is nightflyyer.

This was a devastating fire and I wish him the best of luck rebuilding and getting his life back together.
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