New rc pilot learning to fly hk 450 pro


Staff member
Welcome to the forum! The HK 450 Pro is a challenge, but can be done. Have you watched my video on how to properly build a clone? If not, it's a great video to start with. And, it's on this helicopter.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum, I have a friend that learned to fly on a 450 without one crash, but he shared a house with an experienced pilot who set the helicopter up for him and coached him all the way. It can be done, I on the other hand lost count of the crashes.
Welcome to the forum JMS, it's a huge learning curve, but extremely rewarding, stick at it and you will have endless fun. If you fly RC, you will crash, try and learn from it...happy learning. Post some videos if you can because these guys can help you..
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