(((MUST WATCH!!!))) Meteor Over Russia!!!


Staff member
DUDE!!! This is crazy. Check out this metor over russia. Watch teh first one to see it going through teh sky, then watch the second one. Make sure you turn your sound up so you can hear the sonic boom!

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Staff member
I think I would need new underwear after that one lmao. Did you see those windows? That thing was so bright that it was creating it's own shadows. It was as bright if not brighter than the sun when it was at it's peak.

Oh, and when I watched it, I had headphones on from doing a video on the 3GX. Yeah, I was "almost" there with them lmao. Yup, I jumped lmao.


That was one hell of a sonic boom. Glad it didn't happen here while I was sleeping. I'd have hit my head on the ceiling. lmao


Staff member
hahaha, I think I would have hit my whole body on the ceiling lmao. Like a cat getting scared. You can bet I would have been outside in my boxers with my flashlight and .45 looking to see just what the hell that was lmao.


Staff member
The first video was just a dash cam video showing the meteor going through the sky. I will see if I can find some more. It's quite impressive. They are saying this one was about 11 tons in weight.


Staff member
I'm wondering how many people and animals are going to have permanent hearing loss because of this.
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