Might Not Make It To The Field


Staff member
The last week has been very trying. On Saturday, my fuel pump in my car died and I had to rush all night to get the new one put in before the storms hit. Then, I had a whole bunch of thing land on my plate that I had to get done this week that took up a lot of time. Then all of a sudden, the wifes car starts to act up. Unfortunately, with the hours that I"m working, there is no way that I can fix it during the week, and she is working open to close on Saturday and sunday. Then, when I got home last night, I found out my water is shut off. No, not because I didn't pay my bill, but because the pump went out in my well.

If I have to have the pump replaced, that means my garage has to be tore down since it's in my garage. What a stupid place to put a well... So all last night and this morning, no water. This really sucks. So tomorrow I"m more than likely going to have to take the wife to work since she can't drive a standard, and work on her car all day. Why tomorrow? Because all of those other things that I have to do, still need to be done. And I'm hoping I cna do that on Sunday. All of this, and I"m trying to add some new things to the forums.

When it rains, it pours... Oh well, I have my AMA, I guess that's something. My planes will just have to stay on teh ceiling for a little longer. the thing that sucks though, it's going to be 71º with light winds and a lot of sun tomorrow. Great day to fly, and I'm going to be killing my back under the hood of a car. And I will be doing that outside if I have to have my garage tore down... SUCK!!!!


Staff member
We have a huge mound of them here at the base, but they help keep the bugs under control so we keep them. Well that, and you can't kill the friggin things lol. I may just say the heck with it and go out there tomorrow, I need a break from this stuff for a while. If I crash my plane though, that will mean more work lmao. That's all I need, another project. Sucks, I was really wanting to fly that Extra 300.


Well-Known Member
Breath in breath out and smile Tony, thats all you can do :D. I stood in a swarm of fire ant once. Wow that was painful :( Luckily i was on the beach so i jumped into the sea :) LOL


Staff member
Yeah, there will be an end to it all someday, but right now, there is just so much to do. Including things that I can't mention on here.


Well-Known Member
i know how you feel tony in-laws been swarming me with projects around their house lately myself which doesnt leave much time for anything cuz when i get home i just pass out from exaustion... WHAT FUN!!! i have'nt had much time to try get my big bird ready for the air (my p-51 mustang) i am trying though beleive me as you can tell from my blog.. Plus that is my very first blog and actual plane build too... Just can't wait till she is in the air....


Staff member
Tried and true fire-ant cure. Pour diesel down the mound. You don't need to light it, the fuel by itself will do the trick. Something I learned from my father-in-law. He's from south texas and they are fightin the fire ants constantly.


Staff member
I just got a call, I'm getting power to my well, but the pump is shot. The well is located inside my garage, and I'm pretty sure I will either have to remove my roof and walls on that corner, or tear down the whole garage. This sucks.


Spagetti Pilot
Round hear you just open up the well head and pull the pump out. Hmmmm. I feel for you man. Two grand wourth of f7f and parts, all the parts I need to finish her and I haven't har time to work on her since before Christmass. Been workin six days a week for so long! I'm TIRED!! Lol. oh well. I would give you all I had if I were closer. Just take things one at a time. They will get done. Mean time if you need any morel support just say the word.


Staff member
I wish this well was that easy. The Tard that lived here before put the well in, then built the garage around it lmao. If he wasn't already dead, I would kill him for this hahaha.


Staff member
Well the wife and I stayed up too late last night (watching movies, what were you thinking?) and she had to leave in a hurry this morning. Because of this, she had to take her car, so I have no car to work on. I have all the batteries for the Extra charged, two of the mcpx batteries are charging (the others have never been run) and I'm thinking about charging the two 4s batteries for the Edge and taking it. Problem with the Edge is, I need to setup the controls with my DX8 still. And the last time, that took about an hour to do.

So I may make it out to the field today. I will be flying something but it may only be my mcpx on it's brushless maiden flight. Video? Only if you guys are good while I'm away...


Well-Known Member
sorry bout last night tony what can i say she got me all warm n cozy and the rest was me waking up few hours later going what the hell??? i hate that when that happens..oh well she had a pretty rough day though we went to her uncles funeral earlier in the day...


Staff member
I promise I'll behave!!! Promise!!

well, it seems you guys were good being there are more new posts than I have seen in a long time on here lol. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people out there, and I forgot all about the camera. This is my bad. I will be making a full post on the flights, but lets just say, the mcpx scared the crap out of me on it's first flip lmao. Talk about some power, I love it.

sorry bout last night tony what can i say she got me all warm n cozy and the rest was me waking up few hours later going what the hell??? i hate that when that happens..oh well she had a pretty rough day though we went to her uncles funeral earlier in the day...

No apologies bro, i understand hard days and on days like that, you need to be with her anyway, not playing a game. I may try to get on a little later today if I can cool down. It's nice outside, but that sun is brutal lmao.
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