Looking backwards aboard my 500.

Ken Jackson

Active Member
I forgot I had this little gem. It really shows off my flying site. Cheap $20 spy camera that has great color and 800 x 600 resolution. Couldn't believe how well it works. Obviously jerky riding on the back of a 500 but I had just started flipping and rolling. I have the video of this flight from my iPad as you will see my GF holding my iPad in the middle of the field. But also the same flight from the back of the helicopter.

The whole point was to be educational to me learning to pilot a RC helicopter. I was able to analyze one of my first good 3D flights and see it from both perspectives. I learned how to be more smooth because its amazing what happens sometimes after a flip or roll from the Helis perspective. This video helped me a lot. After watching both videos 100 times I spent a lot more constructive time on the simulator.

Anyway yeah I know I get a little long sometimes anyway this was taken just as quads were popping up everywhere. I kind of felt why do jerky video from a Heli when the quad is made for this purpose.

From Heli Flips and Loops - YouTube


As in Lees amazing trees video!
Top shelve video for sure!!!
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Well-Known Member
Cool Ken,
Where did you mount it. I have some like that from my first 450. I put it on the horizontal stab so you can see the workings of the tail.

Ken Jackson

Active Member
Attached it to the rear of the frame bottom plate and against the skid on a 45 degree angle. It was the only place I could attach it and not get vibration. This camera is the size and shape of a traditional pack of chewing gum.

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