Like to say thankx

Robert Klinger

New Member
I typed a very long message before and tried to send it. Site says I was not a member and of course the message was lost.

So thankx to all those that replied to me.

I have no experience at blogging and have no clue what a "thread" is.

Hope this goes somewhere besides cyberspace.


Well-Known Member
You keep posting questions....we'll keep answering them....well, we'll surely try, lol. It's all about having fun.

Also....A thread (sometimes called a topic) is a collection of posts, usually displayed from oldest to latest, although this is typically configurable: Options for newest to oldest and for a threaded view (a tree-like view applying logical reply structure before chronological order) can be available. A thread is defined by a title, an additional description that may summarize the intended discussion, and an opening or original post (common abbreviation OP, which can also mean original poster), which opens whatever dialogue or makes whatever announcement the poster wished. A thread can contain any number of posts, including multiple posts from the same members, even if they are one after the other.


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard! And congrats on posting your first "thread"! I've lost more thoughts to the ether than I care to contemplate. Happens to the seasoned pro's too. :)


Robert Killenger; Welcome to the Site & the Best in your Flying! You will do Ok it just will take some time to learn! The Best !
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