General Is this normal?


Active Member
Hi, well I'm into a new build of HK 450 V2, my first heli build although I have over 40 years experience building planes. I just wanted to know if this was normal for a heli kit cheap as it is. That the nut, bolts and made of the poorest quality I have ever seen. The main gear hole is so far from alignment it needs redrilling. The molds for the plastic bits look so worn they need throwing out. Is it normal or are these thing build to end in the dustbin (garbage). Should I have spent more to get better? I would appreciate any comments before I continue with this kit.


Well-Known Member
They say you only get what you pay for, but lots of people are really happy with their HK kits others mod them as soon as they get them. It's always been a bone of contention the screw kit, but the problem of needing to drill the main gear would worry me, better off buying an Align main gear if that's the case, I have looked at these and have been lured by the price but the reviews and complaints you read have moved me away,

I will more than likely save for an Align kit for my replacement to the heli I have now, that is when the time comes anyway.


Active Member
Thanks Slobbedog
Yes your right, you get what you pay for at the end of the day. I will adapt it to my needs. At the end of the day it is only for learning on, a means to an end.


Well-Known Member
If you'll pardon the cheeky remark... You can't get something for nothing... HK has never been known to make quality parts/kits etc and unfortunately you've found it out like many others.


Well-Known Member
The HK450GT is the only HK kit i have had. I had two of them and they where both good kits and needed no upgrades to work perfectly. Its almost three years since i bought them and they are still going strong. I would not buy any of the cheaper kits in the range. The screws are soft but so are the Align ones according to many. What you have to remember is. A) use a good allen key B) Let the thread lock do its job. You only need to pinch the screws tight, not torque them down.
Good luck with it. Thrash it and trash it, then move on to bigger and better :D


Active Member
Cheers Lee. Yes let the thread lock do its job is the secret although I would not fly in it myself LOL ! Cheers. This heli will probably last for ever. Probably.

If you'll pardon the cheeky remark... You can't get something for nothing... HK has never been known to make quality parts/kits etc and unfortunately you've found it out like many others.

Thanks rdsok. Yes I think you can get something for nothing. For example, the fantastic help I have had from people this site. Cheap heli kits? Maybe.
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Staff member
I have the EXI and it has the same issues with the metal. Just be cautions with your torquing of the bolts. My kit needs a new screw set, I think it's time to add more align stuff to it.


Active Member
Thanks murankar for the info. I must not be so heavy handed. Still the heli is progressing and I expect my first crash LOL in a couple of weeks. Must remember to order more spares.


Well-Known Member
i agree with murankar i also have a exi 450 it was my first heli i have crashed it multiple times and it still here has recently been rebuilt but of course by now it is mostly align parts now . i also have a hk500gt which also is mostly align by including being flybarless now with dfc head... only real kit i have is a blade 400 which has never flown and might be sold soon along with my custom dx6i tx... it is a matter of price and preference when it come to your choice i would like to get a nitro kit but that won't be anytime soon but when that or a goblin 630 those will be my next heli choices but that will be along time from now...


Staff member
Even my Protos mini had a somewhat soft metal screws. I Almost stripped one and they have the cap style bolt head. A very high quality hex head driver will save you a lot of anguish in the end. since you really only need 3 or 4 hex drivers it pays to invest in those. 2 1.5mm 2mm and maybe a 2.5 mm depending on a very few options (motor mount screws) and finally the hex driver for the canopy grub screws.


Staff member
As stated, you get what you pay for. I started RCH with the intention of using cheap clone heli's to get people into the hobby a little easier. Less than a year later, I vowed to NEVER suggest anyone get a clone of any kind because of the crap quality you will get. Align is one of the cheapest heli kits you can get, but it a very high quality. then you have things like Curtis Youngblood, Mikado, AleeS, Compass, SAB, and many more that are more expensive than Align, and higher quality. But in the end, Align is the cheapest heli kit that I will ever push.

As also stated, you have found out the reason why I'm not pushing them. The plastic is way out of round, the shafts are not straight and true and the holes are not in the correct spot, the feathering shaft doesn't have the correct milling placement for the thrust bearings, and the list keeps going on and on and on and on... You get the idea.

I tell my kids all the time, "if you dont' have the time to do it right the first time, then you better make time to do it again". I guess that same saying could hold true in this situation, just with money and not time. Although you will be out time as well when everything is said and done.

Just keep your head up, order Align replacements as you need them, and you will have a great heli before you know it.
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