ESC I'm looking for some clarification


Staff member
What that is, is exactly what they say, a redundant power system. If you have ONLY an ESC or an OPTO ESC with External BEC, and either of those go out (the BEC portion), your plane will fall out of the sky. After all, if there is no power to the Rx, then there is no power to the servos and the plane no workie lol.

The redundant BEC has, in a sense, 2 BEC's. But only one is turned on at a time. If for some reason one burns out, the other one will take over the job of powering the aircraft. Just an added safety measure for those that have the big, expensive aircraft.


Staff member
After reading that, I have to clarify. If I came off like an ass, it was not my intention. Just woke up, knew what I wanted to say bout it, wrote it, and with being tired, could come off in the wrong way lol. I'm trying to suck down teh coffee and get rid of this headache.


Well-Known Member
No worries, Tony! At no point in your reply did I feel that you were being an ass. Not at all. After getting your most recent reply, with you being concerned that you came across that way, I re-read your first reply and I can kinda see how you may be concerned. Nonetheless...when I read it the first time, I read your reply and understood it as you were explaining something to me that I didn't understand (as usual, lol).

Take care buddy and I hope your headache wonders off.


Staff member
Cool. And it's getting better. 200mg of ibuprofen will do that hahaha. Fixing to fire up the sim, you game?
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