If 1 more person asks me which sim is better iam gonna scream!


New Member
The way most of my frends use a flight sim it probally wouldn't make any difference which sim they had? I mean, they use it like a video game which doesn't improve RC skill AT ALL! Learning is 90% visualization (u knew tht right?) and simulators r useful to establish muscle memory and kinetic sense, but if every time u crash u spawn a new plane and immediately "fly away" again,,,, maybe u r jst learning how to crash :) umm,,, everybody knows Phoenix (and probally all the other sims) keeps a Log of ALL ur FLIGHTS right? Yep. Unless u have reset it,,, u can see how many times u "took off" and how many times u actually "landed" since ur first flight. So if ur landings do not equal ur take offs,,,, maybe ur not using the sim right? If u crash, do u have the program set to pause for the maximum amount of time B4 u get a new plane - so u can VISUALIZE ur mistake? Or do u jst fly away as fast as u can only to crash again doing the same thing as B4? i think people prqctice their mistakes AND GET REALLY GOOD AT THEM!!! Maybe if everytime we crashed, the simulator would kick us in the butt (REALLY REALLY HARD) we would become better pilots? But which sim is better though? Tht wold B the sim tht has modeled YOUR planes flight characteristics the best. I mostly fly the E-Flight Apprentice and since Phoenix has the Apprentice modeled,,, Phoenix is better,,, 4 ME anywayzz :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I wasn't aware of the statistic function, either. That's really interesting. I will surely be looking into that.

I, too, have Phoenix and I really enjoy it. I use the Phoenix sim for RC training and learning probably 90% of the time...because I really do want to get better at flying. The other 10%, I have to admit, I do play it as a video game. I can say, however, that I have noticed that my actual "landings" are, by far, out-weighing my crashes. I do get the "dumb thumb" moments, just like everyone else, and I get to see the pieces of my aircraft fly all over. So, I'll sit there for a second or three and think about what I had done and I'll continue to work on it and thankfully I'm getting better.

I really enjoyed reading your write-up, Amanda and you are correct about so many points. Nicely done! Good luck with your Apprentice and keep an eye on the "Official Phoenix Thread" for when people are posting that they are flying online. Maybe you could join up with us in a flight session from time to time.


New Member
hey,,, jst me agin

yeah, i found the stats under VIEW > DISPLAY > LOG
the Log displays flight data 4 the plane u r currently flying ,, so u got if u fly more than 1 u got to hop in all the planes planes to see the data. i wonder how u guys use the sim? i mean, for ME, i like to change the dual-rates and expo to see wassup?

Amanda - Ancient Chinese proverb: May ur Landings equal the number of times u took off :)


yeah .. flight logs .... you can actually show it up .... you can also set up a stop watch ... so you set yourself a task of say flying steady nose in hover for 2 minutes solid ..... and start your timer so you can remain focused.

Graham Lawrie

Well-Known Member
I have always used the flight log as a way of trying to beat the amount of crashes, which i never will as it recorded to many in my early days:)


Well-Known Member
i actually have real flight and phoenix. i got phoenix first due the price and RF later when i could afford it.. i prefer RF over phoenix just because the realism is way better and flying characteristics i actually go on both sims to try to learn and get better and take each crash on the sim seriously and try to learn from every crash which there is quite a few only because i am always trying to push myself to learn something new... The sim just has the added benefit that if you crash it does not cost anything for repairs.... Lately i have been on phoenix more as this is the sim most of our members actually have.... The only thing i dislike about RF is the fact that if i want to use my dx8 on it i have to use the interlink controller first then connect my dx8 that is just way to much just to use it.... Quote: from forest gump (AND THAT'S ALL I GOT TO SAY ABOUT THAT)


Well-Known Member
I think its different depending on what you are learning. I know i can land my heli every time if want to. Its the bits in between take off and landing i'm working on. And while practicing those things, you're gonna crash. So my take off to landing ratio would be 100/1


Staff member
Lee, your ratio is better than mine lmao. When I was on the sim, I was seeing just how close I could get to the ground on piro flips and large fast hurricanes. Most times, I killed the tail to drove it straight into the ground inverted. I use it for what it's meant to be used for, a tool for learning. Seems to be paying off. I have went from a thumber to a pincher all because of the sim. It took a lot of dedication to ONLY pinch the sticks, but the RCH Trainer flight and the RCH Heli flight were both pinched and I had MUCH more control for fine adjustments. AND, you don't get the shaking thumbs like you would with thumbs only.


Hey Amanda...which sim is better? hahahahaha... sorry I had to ask but you ask for it! :highly_amused:
I have phoenix and use it a lot myself. I have found it easier than in RL so have been flying (hovering) with it cranked up to much harder difficulty.


Active Member
I think its different depending on what you are learning. I know i can land my heli every time if want to. Its the bits in between take off and landing i'm working on. And while practicing those things, you're gonna crash. So my take off to landing ratio would be 100/1
Yup this is me if I am going to use the sim which is extremely boring to me its going to be for something I dont know how to do. Because I could take off and land everytime no problem. For me though since I got the 130x the simulator has been collecting dust. I just use that as my flight simulator.

I always bump the simulator up to 125% such that my reaction times are quicker and when I move to real life things are slower.
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New Member
canongraphy said:
Hey Amanda...which sim is better?

AGRRRRR , , , , ,

Ok i guess i can understand how u HELiCoPTeR guys woldn't mind crashing a lot to perfect a technique? cuz a frend let me try his Blade and it wasn't easy,,, fun tho. the thing is,,, i had to save up 4 a loooong time to buy my Apprentice and NO WAY am i gonna crash it!!! i mean, wat do we do whn we lose control flying 4 real? we do wat we ben practicing rite? and if we get use to CrAsHiNg a lot in a simulator THATS WAT WE WILL DO :) can u say "muscle memory?" me and my frends luv the "Rise Of Flight" simulator and fly together in multi-player mode. do u kno wat is RiSE Of FLight? search 4 "ROF" on YouTube and u will get a MILLION hits! the thing is, if u get killed in the sim your dead. period. u dont get anothr airplane. u cnat fly again until a new game starts and tht cud be a half hour or more. sumtimes (depending on the server) u cnat fly 4 the rest of the day. i fly an Albatros DVa and try to stay alive a loooong time by flying smart. we fly in formation and neva witout a wingman,, jst like they actaully did in WW1. all the flight models in ROF r pretty much spot on and it's scary-real? yeah, i think it must of carried ovr to Phoenix 4 me cuz i dont like to crash,,,, whn u guys say u crash 100 times i jst cnat hrdly evn belive it :)



Well-Known Member
Landing for you is everything, because its what you are learning. So crashing is a fail. But once you can take off and land every time, then what are you going to do? You are gonna try loops rolls, inverted flying etc so you are gonna crash because you are trying something new. The your take off to landing ratio is going to suffer. Its the same for helis. At first all you want to do is take off, hover and land.
I'm going to look at this Rise of Flight sim right now :D


Staff member
I would respond, but I had to stop reading it due to it giving me a headache. Please don't use shorthand "TXT" on the forum. It's very hard to read. And also, please don't type a word like a pAsSwOrD, again, very hard to read and turns people away from the thread. Thanks.
I know for me I usually only crash when i'm trying something new, trying to see if I can do something, and the work out what i'm doing wrong and have another shot at it.
Otherwise if I want to practice take off and landing I do that.
I have found orienatation for me is a whole lot easier in the real world than on my compy...
However I've found it very good to work out some of the characteristics of my aircraft/helicopter before I take it out.
I also have an apprentice, and it goes out and comes back in, there isn't a whole lot to it... I want to get something more slippery and have a good go at that, but again I'll have a go on a sim before I take it out.
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