Motors Hk motor changed to HKIII Lets see if I notice the change


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
So .. I was running an HK 4035-560 in my heli thinking it was HKIII until I realized it wasnt.. It was HOT after flights.. HKIII motors arent that hot I thought.. well then I read and it was an HK .. Nothing wrong with them, but their HKIII conunterparts are supposed to have better efficiency as they run cooler and have inbuilt cooiling on their cans ... spiral groovings in the can of the motor, and they have stronger magnets .. and a little less vibration under low loads.

Just acquired one from a friend (who had it in his Goblin.. ) so I am now wanting to see how this is gonna be different from the HK motor I had. I LOVED the HK motor. It had a ton of power.. But Just cause I knew there was an upgrade to the same motor.. I had to get it! HAHA

SO here it is installed in the heli ..

I will prbably be putting the HK4035-560 for sale soon. Let me know if you need it .. BUt for now .. :) ::

Photo Apr 10, 11 46 36 PM (HDR).jpg

Enjoy! :)

Photo Apr 10, 11 46 36 PM (HDR).jpg
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