help wth video


i did a video and tried to download it to youtube so i can play it here and its going to take 93 min. and i was wondering if that is the norm or can i just download it straight to this site. the video is 3 minutes long
thanks eric


Staff member
Unfortunately I don't have the space or bandwidth to upload it right to the forum. 93 minutes for a 3 minute video is a long time. If you are using windows, open up Movie Maker and render it down into a smaller file size. i would give you a step by step but I'm at work adn no way to record things like this. But there are settings in there for when you are ready to render or "produce" it that will lower the file size adn unfortunately the quality as well. If you are on a Mac, then Lee is your guy lmao. I have no clue about those.


thanks tony i'll look in to the movie maker next time i make a video but for now i went and waited the 93 min. for the download now that its downloaded i will post it so you guys can see it. it's about my exi 450 tail spinning
thanks eric
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