Hello all


New Member
Hi, I just got in to helicopters. For X-mas I got a estates mini quad, then after that I purchased a Husban quad lots of fun. But then on new years eve I fell and boke my heal bone in 3 places so I am unable to do anything but sit. So I found a MCPX v2 on craigslist. It came as a RTF. I am now able to hover it fly around keep the tail straight. It was a huge learning curve from a quad. I now have learned that I should of got a FP or a colaxial. but now I am doing ok so I see no need to go back now. I am going to get a new Transmitter. But I would like to know if the DX6 is a good one I plan on getting many more copters the bug bit me hard. I try to fly every night at least 4 batteries and 8 if I have time yes I am a junkie.


The MCPX is a great learning heli IMO, that is what got me hooked on helicopters, It is pretty durable to crashing also.
If your planning on staying in the hobby and buying more heli's, bigger, better, and so on, cause that's how it goes after your hooked and sounds like you might be..lol
I would recommend buying a DX8 instead of the dx6i, the 6 is prob a good radio, but the 8 offers a lot more options and in the long run the extra money it cost will be worth it and you will be glad you got it.
Just my 2 cents.
Welcome to the forum, Good luck and have fun!


Staff member
Actually depends on what you want to spend. Yes the dx8 is a great radio, if you got the coin get the dx9. If coin is the issue then the newest dx6 has many new options that came from the dx9. I think it has an sd card slot, voice talk back, and they added more memory for model storage.

Since you have an mcpx that would be the best options unless you look at the Jr 5303 (I think) . It would be the.one with dsmx and dsm2 comparability.

Anyhow welcome to RCH!

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New Member
Hi there,yup,that Helibug is out there,and it will bite hard, :) A RC-Flightsim would be a good investment,it will save you thousands.Lots of good info here,have fun,pictures are always welcome.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on learning to hover with that mcpx. The micro size CP helis are tough to learn on from scratch. Not many succeed. Especially self-taught.

When you step up to a large heli you'll be amazed at the power and also how stable it is by comparison. And, yes, you are ready for a larger heli if you're hovering and perhaps moving a micro in a smallish space without issue. At about a similar comfort level you're describing with the micro size CP heli, I jumped from a nano cpx to a Blade 550X. It was fantastic and seriously hooked me on the hobby. As such, I think the 550X is a great intro to the larger size helis (especially if you can find a deal on a used one). 450 size T-Rex is another great option. Personally I'd steer away from the 130, 150, 250, 300, and 360 size stuff for your next one. They are more trouble to work on, tend to have flight behaviors that can be difficult to deal with when you're still learning, and may very well turn you off of the hobby and prevent you from taking the plunge to a proper "larger" size heli.

On radios: The new DX6 looks like a fantastic radio, with it out the DX6i is only worth it if you are looking to buy cheap now and upgrade later. It has a lot of the features of the DX9, but at a budget price and enough channels to satisfy most needs until you get an itch for scale helis with retracts, lights and the like. With the recent release of DX6 and DX9 there are likely a lot of DX7s's and DX8's out on the used market, seriously consider them too. You can always resell later if you decide you want to upgrade and not end up taking a big hit since you're buying used to begin with.


Senior Rc-Help Member
Welcom to RCH Cannon69!

As a newb here myself, I agree with everyone hear that the larger birds are more stable and easier to learn on. With computerized radios these days you can tame down cyclic and lift to match your specific skill level and then adjust as you become a better pilot.

As for radios, I was told when I got the bug to purchase the best radio and charger system that your budget will allow.
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