Greenfoot squared


New Member
Hey Folks, I am totally new to the "hobby" and just enjoying trainer co-ax helis at present. In other words I don't know nothing about radio control of flight control surfaces
Want to do the prerequisite Foamcore electric three channel trainer to get my feet wet.
Found y'all when doing a search for home built trainer and thought the TRex project was more than a little cool, the group effort and all.
Not going to get into glow for the meantime.
Am totally into the construction, components, wiring and tuning.
Dizzying array of terms and acronyms though and there is no end of help on the web to accommodate.
So now that I know a little bit about the gear,
And I will be asking for peoples advice on what would be the best first Tx


canterburyflyer; Well I started out with the 120sr & then bought a Trex 450Se V2 not real good at flying either helicopter as I am new into Rc helicopters! But we have some great guy's on the site that are real good & they will help you with anything you need! The Best & Welcome to our site! I have a Dx8 transmitter also!


Staff member

Welcome to the forum and thanks for signing up. It's great to have you here.

The RCH Trainer is a GREAT plane to start with. I do suggest starting out with ailerons though. It requires one more servo than the standard 3ch requires, but is much worth it. I never could fly a 3ch heli with rudder and elevator only, just didn't seem in control. Putting ailerons on it and making it a "Bank & Yank" plane is a much better idea IMO.

You are right, the RCH Heli is a great joint effort and we are almost done with teh build. We have had some issues here on the forum with spammers so the heli has been put on hold for a while. But, it's still sitting on top of my plotter just waiting for my life to calm down and get back to it. I can't wait to put it in the air. Wait... Yes I can... Because as long as it's NOT flying, it's NOT crashing lmao.

Again, welcome to teh forum. Any questions, just ask. We are here to help no matter how small the question.


Staff member
Welcome to RCH and all its glory. We a small but helpful and will advise you on your journey. Just ask the questions and we will answer them.
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