General Grease/Lubricant for Servo Gears ( Align DS615)


the Smoothie Pilot
After putting all the metal gears back to their proper place, I smeared a fat glob of silicon grease on there and put the case back on. Afterward, I tried moving the servo horn back and forth by hand to work the grease thoroughly around the gears inside. I noticed that it took considerably more force to move the servo horn now than before. Did I use the wrong type of grease? If so, what would you recommend? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Have you powered it up yet? I kind of doubt grease could make that big a difference in how fast it works. Unless you have a glob of grease between a gear face and top or bottom of the gear box, creating drag on the system. Regardless, I'd try powering it up and seeing if it moves freely and comparatively as fast as one that you haven't worked on. Start with slow sweeps and get progressively faster, listening for straining and feeling for unwarranted heat build up. If that shows some issues, then crack it open again and make sure the grease is on lightly on the faces of the gears and maybe a bit thicker on the teeth of the gears where it needs to do the most good. If it is all good, roll with it.


Staff member
Silicone grease is what they use. However, they don't use a lot. Just make sure the gears are not binding up, and the pins are in their holes.
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