General Good reading material to better understand TX functions


My DX9 videos will help you out. It's the same program with less channels and less mixing options.

Rc-Help - Spektrum DX9

Ok, great videos. I understood all the info ther in . What I am having a difficult time in is mixing. It's effects and how to set it up. I am guessing that we are mixing the transmitter output of multiple channels. If that's the case I answered my own question. Just wish I understood it better. I fully understand the theory of flight be it fixed wing or rotor. Was lucky enough to be a CAP member for years. Had a father who owned multiple Cessnas in our lifetime.


Staff member
If you are talking helicopters, most new gyros will not have any mixing at all. And if you are flying something like the 3GX, then you will go in teh swashplate menu and set it to 3 servo, 120º. If you are using a gyro like the BX or Ikon, then you will set the swashplate to 1 servo 90º. That is all the mixing you really need to do. I have very rarely ever used mixing, and when I did, it was with my 3D planes (edge 540, extra 260 and so on) to stop the coupling when pulling a knife edge. On a helicopter, you should never have to touch mixing, or revo mix.
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