General Good News


Active Member
The good news is I do not have to worry about vibration problems anymore. The bad new is.............need more spares.......................lots of spares. My fault. let the heli get away from me. To high, to far away and lost orientation. Still I did manage to get it back to my own plot. Another 5 feet and I would have recovered. LOL. So question is can I convert this helicopter to a TT?. Spares needed amongst other. New feathering shaft, new blades, tail and main, new tube, new tail unit. Not to bad really. Cheers


Active Member
Thanks Tony. I will stick with the belt. I'm not to bothered. It's not so bad when it's your own dumb thumbs that cause the damage. It still hurts LOL but not so bad. This heli will look like a rainbow when all the spares are in. Blue tail, orange tail blades, might as well throw a new head at it as well LOL. I'll put all the bits I have left over onto a new frame just for the fun of it and see how it flies LOL Cheers. The crash, lots of lessons learned. Just lost concentration for a moment and a large thermal blew through and away she went, up like a rocket. It got behind me, cause it was nose on, that wasn't so bad. Worked it forwards then down it came, could not think fast enough and pulled a wrong one.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah treff...that sucks about the crash. Always a bummer. My 500 is also a belt drive and I am sure that I'll keep it a belt drive for a long time. The way that I hear it is that torque tubes are more consistent and possibly smoother but if your tail blades touch the ground in any way, you will probably strip some teeth on the gear mesh. Whereas a belt will just slip a bit and most likely recover just fine.


Yes ..... well Goblin SAB must have thought about that too....Belt drive it is ! no vibes .. and better recovery issues


Well-Known Member
Bad luck on the crash, but you have the right attitude. Just laugh it off and rebuild. :D


Active Member
Thanks Guys always a pleasure to hear from everyone. Rebuild is underway LOL back at it soon depends on how much damage to the head. I have most of the other spares in hand. Cheers
Bad news bout the crash dude, but awesome work getting it going.
Good luck with the rebuild n hope she goes together no worries. Stick with belt, at least for now one less issue if tour tail does it


Active Member
Cheers corair_pilot bits are winging their way here as we speak LOL Just need a main shaft, I have all the other bits and Align uk a very good at speedy delivery so I hope to be back in the air on Monday. I bet its, no, must be more positive LOL
I think Im in for more of a wait now that I found out my head is screwed. Time for a conversion I think haha
Mate keep up the flying, you're going great guns!
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