For those who need a good laugh...


And i though my $ 450 worth of spare parts i had to sold for my sold T-Rex 450 was a bit excessive buying :S This makes me feel normal :)


Well-Known Member
I know its nice to have parts in case of a crash but that's just nuts, that was bought cheap in bulk to sell on I recon,

The only spares I have for my 450 is front TT gears and rear TT gears, I figure worst case I got to wait two days for bits on line, no big deal, and its not tying my money up gathering dust, waiting for a pile in,

That being said I don't want to crash anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I have seen that thread the guy is nuts. Unfortunately I have a few hundred dollars in spare parts for all my helis too.
It really does suck but the hobby store is usually ALWAYS out of the one part I need and then they always charge full retail.
Plus I hate constantly going to the hobby store.
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