F-16 Construction


Staff member
What are you looking for, foam or balsa or fiberglass? i will say this, the F-16 is not a beginner friendly plane and needs a LOT of air speed to stay in the air. I have a PDF that I was creating but I couldn't get enough thrust with the 64mm EDF to sustain flight so I scrapped the plans. I know there are some pusher prop F-16's out there but I don't know how well they fly.


New Member
Hello dear friend. Glad someone finally answer me. I preferred even try to build this machine, not so much to fly but if it even better.
I give preference to the balsa but if you can, send me what you have. Once more thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
Hi Mantonio,
I haven't seen plans for the F-16 anywhere. F22 yes but not the F 16. I'm starting a F 22 tomorrow.
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