Election Year Means Free Stuff!


Crash Test Dummy
I dont know about you all, but I like to build things that fly (most of the time)! This year, when you see those coroplast election signs everywhere, think in terms of using some of that to build some quick and cheap little airplanes! Once the signs have served their purpose, most owners will give them to you simply for the service of taking them away! BTW, I don't know if you have priced coroplast lately, but let me tell you getting a bunch for free can be a heck of a score!

Even if you don't use it right away, having a few hunks around is a good thing. Garage sale signs, plinking targets, you get the idea! It's all good, and at least some of those campaign dollars will have done some good!



Staff member
Coroplast is great for air to air combat. I'm not talking streamers, I'm talking try to knock your opponent out of the air lol.
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