Batteries Current consumption of Servos



Am trying to get my equipment up to date and now am working on Profile .40 and due to lack of space on wing compartment am having problems to fit battery Life 2300mah due to it size the wing bolt is touching it an can wear the cover
so I found a Life 1300mah that fits just nicely but I don't know how to calculate the consumption of electronics onboard to choose smaller battery

I may prefer to have 2 ea if number of flights get reduced due to smaller size stir of risking a short circuit on battery cells

I have onboard
3 Hitect 645
1 Align 615
1 Hitec 85

that's about it

all your help very much appreciated


Plane recommend 1500mah did not mention C minimum that's one of my concerns cause with a 2100mah I easy can fly 4 times of 10 minutes
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