600 Canopy Ideas


Staff member
I'm looking for ideas for a new canopy design on the 600. If I have to, I may buy a new canopy, but it would just be the white one. I need some color and design ideas. I hate plane, love sharp points and licks. If you don't know what a lick is, then what yoru thinking is NOT right lmao. Post up some ideas of your favorite canopies. All ideas will help.


Well-Known Member
I like this design.
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Staff member

I found this last night on google after doing a search for tribal patterns. Tony and I have been chatting about this one on facebook. The location of the print would be where the black "windshield" would be. We were thinking that the pattern would be a steel color on a black background, the canopy color is also steel.

now for the color part: I was thinking of doing a three color scheme (not sure of the colors yet); continuing on, Tony had mentioned that he was thinking about putting the names of the contributors on the canopy. This is where the color would come in, What three colors would look good together for the names? then once that is figured out the that would be the choices to get you name printed in.



Staff member
As URI stated, Him and I have been chatting on my facebook page about this, and I really like that design. I have an idea that will make it look like it's coming out of the canopy, just need my airbrush first. still working on that part.

Here is what I see now that the heli is most of the way back together. The colors need to be Black, White, Silver. Then it needs come accent colors. Red is going to be one of them since that is the forum color AND, it's the color of the blade holder that I will be ordering shortly for it.

My plans now is to sand down the orange canopy (the one that I think is a chaos canopy), and spray high grade primer on it and sand it down until it's nice and smooth. Then, paint the whole canopy white. This will be the base layer that we will paint on. Start light, then go dark. This way, with teh white, I can tape off the lines, but also it will allow an easier way to do pin striping on the canopy. Now, the pin striping is not that hard since I do have great squirrel pin striping brushes and could do them by hand. I just think taking that step out it would make it easier to finish with clear at the end.

As URI stated, the "windshield" will be black, and if we use that design on top of it (rather than "RCH" or "ALIGN"), then I will do a brushed aluminum look with it, then add some other colors in there somewhere.

But, I need ideas from you guys on what we are going to put on the sides of the canopy. I don't know if the names of the donors is a good idea since once it's painted, it's going to be done, adn we will not be able to add names in the future. That being said, I don't want the future members that donate to feel left out when their names are not on the canopy when they donated to it.

However, if I put a thin enough clear on it, I could lightly sand and spray the new name if I had to, then re clear the canopy. Lots of work, but I owe everything on this heli to the members of RCH.

If you have ideas, post up!
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