General Canopy grommet


Active Member
Is there a tip or suggestion for canopy grommets? I seem to get through them at a rate of knots. They keep splitting in two.
Or is there other ideas for holding on the canopy? Any Suggestions would be most welcome. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Havne't had issues with them myself. Every now and then one of the lower ones on the 700 will pop out of place. Adn think I lost one on the 300X once after a crash.

I use a little bit of bearing oil or grease to slick them up a bit, to make things a bit easier and cut down on popping them out of the canopy. Just a touch though. Can go too far and make it so they don't hold the mounting stud tight enough.

I tried... couldn't get through that post without innuendo.


Staff member
Two things come to mind. One not in right location or the holes in the canopy are a bit to tight.


I just put a little dab of cyanoacrylate (superglue) on my grommets. I have also put a dab of silicone lube in the grommet holes. Works a treat now.
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