450 Binding Issue


Maybe someone can explain me why this is happening. I have a JR X9503, bound to Mini Vbar with two DSMX sats. This setup is for my Gaui X3, KST DS215's on cyclic & DS515 tail, castle external BEC 10a & castle lite 50 ESC. The problem is whenever I applied power for the first time to the system with my radio being on ready to fly, one of the servo won't have power after the Vbar initialized, usually its either the aileron or tail servo. But after I unplug it from the battery and cycle the power then everything goes well, it takes about one to two power up cycle before all servos cooperates to one another. Can someone pls tell me why it's doing it, appreciate it.


Just wondering, am I supplying enough voltage going to the Vbar coming from my external BEC? At what voltage can I set my external BEC to not cause any problem to my FBL unit? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
6.0 volts is usually the safest way to go.

Are the satellite LED's lighting up on both sat's?


Well-Known Member
It has happened occasionally with my Ikon.
It had something to do with the initialisation of the ESC in relation to the FBL unit.
Not sure which it was, but one was quicker than the other, which didn't allow the servos time to start up, and therefore one or another would not function.
This may or may not be the same issue as yours.

Graham Lawrie

Well-Known Member
I Have heard the the BEC can sometimes not send enough power and quick enough to the servos and they time out at the initialize stage, so you have two out of the three working:)
This happened to me once with the zyx gyro when I first converted my 450 to fbl, One of the cyclic servos just wouldn't move, I had to restore the gyro back to defaults with a hard reset and start again to set it up... Was ok after that...
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