Barge from Perth Western Australia


Howdy all, found this forum searching for tutorials on the Align 3GX gyro and luckily for me I came across Tony's brilliant guides on You Tube and that led me here.

I've been flying RC airplanes for a few years and then a few months I made the shift to a Hexacopter running 3DR APM flight controller which gives multiple flight modes including autonomous. They are now fitting more and more to traditional helicopters and that's what sparked my interest and I started searching for a heli to get me going and I settled on the Align 450L Dominator, which should arrive this coming Monday.

I use a Futaba T8FJ Super and R6208SB receivers in everything I have flown, so the 450L will not be any different. I must admit that for an old fella I'm getting fairly excited in putting the 450 together, I downloaded the manual a couple of weeks ago and it's not bad, but the 3GX part was a tad ordinary so I consider myself lucky in finding the videos and this forum.

I've been spending a fair amount of time on the simulator flying the heli and I realise that I have a long learning curve (which is fairly flat at the moment) in front of me which I am looking forward to taking on, and I'm sure that I will be asking a few questions along the way.



Staff member
Hey Barge, welcome to the forum. The 450L is a great kit and should do you well in the future. If you have any questions that the videos didn't answer, all you have to do is ask. We are here to help.



Well-Known Member
WELCOME TO THE RC-HELP FAMILY.... Hey you should give corsair_pilot a pm he lives in australia also and if i remember right i think he said his parents live in perth if he lives close to you he might be a good person near by you to learn from and again welcome you will quickly learn we are media junkies so all the pics and videos you can post the better and no worries mate there are no stupid questions on this forum no matter what we are not like other forums we are just brothers and sisters trying to help any new hobbyist that needs it...


Gidday Lee, yeah that would be the Perth RC Heli Club, I've heard good things about them but Brian the VP is a bit of a basket case, he owns Perth RC Models and Hobbies, the next time he smiles will be his first time. I have heard they have some excellent instructors out there so I might drop in and say hello.

I fly at KAMS out in Oldbury, one of the best 60 acre flying fields around, and they hate helis, that's why I bought one (only Kidding). Plenty of grumpy old farts like me but a great group of people dedicated to promoting RC, who have a sincere dislike for 3D, but welcome you with open arms if you play by the rules, and that suits me fine.

Are you still in Oz Lee or are you back in the O'l Dart.


Well-Known Member
Been jumping all over the chip shop in the last year.
In Spain at the moment, then back to the UK tomorrow, then back to Spain for good i hope in March.
I need a rest :)
I dont understand the Plane Heli war. Why can't people just pick there model and fly without all the BS.
I fly everything and love all of them. :) Happy flying mate :)


Will do Lee, this hobby gives me so much satisfaction, I probably enjoy building them a bit more than flying them, I'm extremely fastidious with my builds and sometimes I probably go over the top with modifications but that's me. Waiting for the 450 to turn up is killing me.

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome.

Keep it shiny side up.


Well-Known Member
Sounds familiar you should see my custom dx8 lol I don't like anything plain Jane. ... lol check out many videos on YouTube you'll see. .. lol megawolfman76
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