A nice and windy day with 4 batteries


Staff member
Here is battery 1: All I can say is that it was windy today and I really should not have flown but I did anyways.

As I get the other videos I will add them here.

Protos mini flight 20130406 battery 1 - YouTube

<----------- FIXED --------------->

Here is battery two for the day. Did more flying in this video than the last.

Protos mini flight 20130406 battery 2 - YouTube

Here is battery 3.

I don't think I will be posting the fourth battery. The wind was way to rough for any forward flight for me. so most of it is the normal tail in drifting around. Not so exciting.
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Well-Known Member
Looks good dude. Next step is to get into circuits. Try to make the 8's more rounded to start the heli coming slightly towards you. Eventually you will have it pointing straight at you during the eights, from there its only a 90º turn to finish a complete circuit. Keep it up dude. :)


Staff member
Thank you Lee, I have been slowly trying to get to a full circuit. I have not been able to get over the mental issue of going anywhere near nose in.
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