A extremely small example of what temptation does...


rc-help EXPERT.......????
Well as most of you know I have a Schluter Superior (for those who don't know Schluter helicopters, I've provided a link) Qwika - Dieter Schlüter. the Schluter helicopter brand was like align, however, when innovations came along Schluter fell behind. Now where was I, oh yes... this is the result of a tempting idea. This is but a mild case of what temptation can do.

P.S. Please leave tons of feedback... I need a lots of help to make this bird look anywhere near good out in public :)







rc-help EXPERT.......????
GREAT!!! you know what it is... I take that as a good sign ;) Any suggestions on how to enhance the drone look?


Staff member
Can you still get parts for that bird? If not I would just take it easy with it, nothing to crazy. It has most of the drone look already as it sits.


rc-help EXPERT.......????
No, sadly getting parts for a heli this old is a pickle... I have found some for sale threads with parts, but those are unpredictable. I'm thinking of adding things that could be later taken off with out damage to any of the parts.


rc-help EXPERT.......????
yeah... got It for free, and haven't put one cent into (yet). I've been recommended to just make it a hanger queen, but I can't afford to have junk that doesn't do anything, if it's there and it doesn't serve a purpose I give it the boot. I have more than one model that I've wanted to get rid of, but sadly no takes (yet).
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