New guy from Texas


New Member
Hello all, I have been flying for about 3 years now starting out with Coaxial Helicopters to Fixed pitch and then collective pitch, at this point i was satisfied that I was not really cut out for Heli's as I did not really enjoy it like I thought I would. I then moved on to Quads or Drones for the newer generation. I purchased multiple little Quads to fly around the house and when the wind was not blowing a little flying outside. From there I found a quad called the V262 by WlToys and man oh man I was in Heaven. Great flyer outside even in the West Texas wind we have. Soon I found that the motors did not last and after replacing many Of then I was on the search for something bigger and better. The i found the V303 also by WlToys which was a Brushless motor Quad with GPS. Wow I got to tell you that I thought I had found my calling in my search to enjoy this wonderful Hobby. As we all know we are never truly finished when we find one that we truly like because Human nature seems to move us in a direction of must have bigger more expensive, more range etc. etc. I found the DJI FC440 and to wrap this up I then purchased several DJI's thru the Vision Plus 2 which is awesome and a couple of QRX 350 Pros. At this point is a major turning point in my direction in this Hobby. I joined AMA then out to my local flight club and found that I was the only one in the club that was really into Quads. I could hear some of the guys talking behind me silently to their friends that heck man, anyone can fly a DRONE and it seemed that I was wasting their flying time, it seemed that I was not welcome in the club with my Quads. I silently packed away my TOYS to hear them say it and made a quiet and respectful exit from the club. Now I thought to myself that I will show them that I too can fly an Airplane and set out to buy my 1st. I purchased a small foamy that almost flew itself. Learned how to upgrade the thing and off we go on the plane buying spree. To bring us to the present, I now own a fleet of Planes from foamies to Balsa and love the experience of flying the out on my land. Now I have Re-Introduced myself in the local club and all is well with most of the flyers that were already in the club and I find that they even want me to fly my Quads / Drones to take pictures and Videos for them to promote the club in a forward direction. All of this brings me to this Forum.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum Jag.
We love photos and videos, let's see your fleet. :)
We have people that fly planes, heli's and multirotors so whatever you post, someone will be interested. :)


Staff member
Oh yeah, we need to see your fleet bro!

Welcome to the forum Jag. I think we have all been through what you just went through. And like you said, it never stops at just one lol.



Active Member
Welcome! Yeah heli's are about the same at some of these clubs, most are plankers, and don't really care much for the heli guys. But that's ok, each to their own. I one day wouldn't mind a plank or two myself, but am having fun with the heli's right now....can't really afford both right now in my sickness called
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