Hello from Oklahoma City.


I have been playing around with RC cars for a couple years and recently have found a desire for RC aircraft. I first picked up a Blade 350 QX3. It is nice, however I discovered that I am not that interested in slow flight and taking pictures. So the Vortex 285 caught my eye and I am going to be getting my feet wet with FPV soon and possibily get into some Quad Racing. I also have a Foam Board Simple Storch that I picked up from Flitetest. I am still working on the landing gear. When the winds slow down here in OKC I will be taking it out and getting some experience with fixed wing flying. I have Phoenix flight simulator and have been flying the Apprentice S 15e. Well, today I added the Apprentice to my flightline. I will get a my first flight with it before too long. Yeap, the bug has bitten me!



Staff member
Only if he actually flies again hahahaha. I'm just south of Norman, so not far away.

Welcome to RCH!



Welcome to the forum! You can't meet a better bunch of guys than right here. You will love the Apprentice...I was flying mine yesterday as well as the new Edge 540.

Always a pleasure to meet an Okie. I lived in MWC back in the 80's.

See you on the forum.
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