YouTube video comments


Well-Known Member
When I upload a video to youtube, I have to approve comments. I have set the upload defaults on comments and ratings to allow comments 'all' and users can view ratings for this video. However, I still am having to approve comments. To me, this is annoying. What could I be doing wrong?


Staff member
There may be a setting in your account (advanced settings I think it is) where you can change this. However, if your comments have links, they will almost all be moderated.


Well-Known Member
I guess that may be the issue. The past two comments were, in my opinion, SPAM. They were to other you tube channels where they wanted me to use their 'free' music in my videos. They claim it would 'greatly improve my videos'. Whatever man. I really don't care to have background music in them right now. Maybe if I took the time to edit the video on my computer then I may consider using background tracks. I'll go elsewhere for it then.

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