You brought up a great point there. When I started this, I had some emails back to me from the initial email I sent out with members thinking we were going ALL PAID! No more free content, and that is just not true. We will always offer FREE help to anyone that needs it. ALWAYS!
As for supporters getting higher priority or whatever, yes, I do look for those yellow names and make it a point to answer those questions as fast as I can. It is the least I can do to help those that have helped me out so much. But I get to ALL questions on the site that I feel need my attention. It is usually on the weekends but everyone has been doing a fantastic job of keeping the help coming to the new members.
With that said, there will be a new, albeit crappy, video coming soon for the members of Rc-Help. Just something that I wanted to toss together real quick while I was thinking about it. So stay tuned for that.
But the real question is, do YOU, Jared, want to see what I do on the road? I'm going to be pushing this question in the upcoming video as well lol.