General Uncoordinated Flying


Well-Known Member
Yesterday i had an epiphany to do with inverted control. i started to fly inverted circuits with some measure of success.
One thing holding me back was separating my brain to think of two different aileron controls for tail in and nose in. Always thinking tail in ailerons work as with upright and nose in they are reversed. This always took me a few seconds to switch over and would cause me to lose control.
My solution was to always think of the heli flying forwards whether hovering or not and always think of the ailerons working as normal. Now if its nose in or tail in i dont have to switch my brain. Only thing to remember now is that elevator is reversed.
As for circuits. That was a whole different kettle of fish.
What did it for me was to remember that which ever way i move the ailerons, the rudder goes the opposite way. Aileron left, rudder right.
To clear this up. When flying up right forward circuits, as you bank into a turn with aileron, you also turn the rudder in the same direction. This is known as Coordinated control (stick move in the same direction)
Inverted forward circuits as you bank over with aileron you give opposite rudder Uncoordinated control (sticks move in the opposite directions)
So we have 4 orientations for flying and they work like this.
Normal Forward flight (Coordinated)
Normal Backward flight (Uncoordinated)
Inverted Forward flight (Uncoordinated)
Inverted Backwards flight (Coordinated)
I hope this is not making peoples brain hurt. I'm not very good at putting it in words.
Hope this helps someone.
Cheers Lee


I am El Taco!
I think I will have to revisit this post when I get to flying inverted, lol! I would bet this will help people at your level of flying ability Lee ... I'm just not there yet :biggrin1:


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
Yep that's helpful... I am also trying to make things clear to my brain by taking something (which is usually my phone) and trying to see what it feels like by in my head giving inputs when it is inverted, and it has helped ms realize a bunch of stuff... (if you know what I mean) .. Lee is perfectly right in his advice.. :) I tried to do forward and backwards inverted in my head with my phone as heli, I realized what's coordinated and what's not... I mean I understand better if in can feel it lol more than just imagine it.. :)


Spagetti Pilot
I'm not close to hovering my 600 yet so it will be next year before I try inverted flight. Lol that is unless I buy a small heli to fly indoors this winter.
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