Trucks Tmaxx Ride Height


Well-Known Member
I know the drive shafts are supposed to be level (horizontal) as this will, I assume, give them more strength at the U joints. Is there a non acceptable height setting? I plan on building a couple ramps and if the truck is sitting too low to the ground, then it could bottom out causing damage. However, if it sits too high then it could possibly be more susceptible to flipping over.


Staff member
Level arms are ideal. If you are bottoming out, then I would either go up on the weight of the oil or go down to the next hole down on the pistons in the shocks. You can also stand the shocks up to help with landing. In fact, laying them over will cause the truck to bottom out worse, standing them up will give you the stiffest ride.


Staff member
It's either 30 or 40. For lots of jumping, I would run 50 with a 2 hole piston. It will be stiff as all hell, but it shouldn't bottom out lol.


Staff member
I'm gonna have to learn you how to do smiley's lol. That one is : thumbsup: without the space. Like this --> :thumbsup: or this one --> :twothumbsup: :chuckles:
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