Servos Servo Frequency Range


Well-Known Member
Hi all, the following question came to mind during my latest build (Velos Rotors 880). Regarding the servos I bought (Highest HG1000 and HS2000 4 off). The tail servo lists 760µs and 560Hz but the cyclic servos have nothing, which I found strange. Hugo (supplier) says set 1520µs and 200Hz, which seems ok as the Spirit Pro only has 333Hz as the maximum.

Is the 200Hz a compromise value and what would be the effect of using 333Hz assuming that the servo could be 560Hz, too.


Well-Known Member
If it’s a 1520us servo then the maximum frequency it can possibly be is 333Hz. Any higher and the pulses would be too close together or overlap, which wouldn’t work.

it’s only narrow band 760us servos that can use higher frequency then 333Hz

I’m confident that with a quality high spec servo such as this 333Hz will be fine. Having said that, 200Hz won’t degrade performance noticeably

By the way, you will need 5 servos, 4 for swash and one for tail


Well-Known Member
Hi there Steve, thanks for the feedback. I do have 5 servos in total, 4 x HS2000 plus 1 x HG1000. I didn't miss that one :arms:
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