General Pitch question


Well-Known Member
Thanks Eyestation , I've been adjusting things for a couple of days now and it flew ok this morning but I felt it should be more stable! So carried on adjusting , now I can get the perfect 0 pitch -10.1 +10.2 but only with both blades in the same position , ie with the blade pointing out to the right , then I have to swing the left blade round to point out right also , they are both perfect like this but if I leave the left blade pointing left or even swing the right blade to the left the pitch is wat of , I fact I don't even get full adjustment with the blades pointing out to the left.??? Confused big time

If you are getting uneven pitch from the left to right hand side, then it could be that your swash is not level in the aileron axis. This would cause you to be able to set it up perfectly on one side and not the other. This could also be the case for front to back, if the elevator axis isn't level.
Double check you swash is perfectly level. Its the only thing that could cause this, unless something is bent in the head.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting this Lee. I got worried when I pointed him in an opposite direction than Tony. But Tony's post points out that he can get a good level from the front to start his pitch measurements.
So, if i, (we) are making pitch measurements on different locations, it is imperative that we re-zero the gauge at every position. And not on the work surface, but on the boom or another reference point on the frame.
I can see if Andy's or my heli had a bit of nose down pitch from the skids, this would have an effect on us not getting even measurements on either side without having to swing the blades around.
I'm gonna try Tony's way today to see if what I have already set is true to his method.
Thanks again Lee, and good luck with yours Andy.


Staff member
Did I forget to mention that I make sure my swash is perfectly level before checking pitch? lmao. My bad. I always make sure the swash is perfectly perpendicular to the main shaft before checking pitch. When I know that is right, I know that all settings, front-back-left-right are going to be the same. And with a digital pitch gauge, you can't check anywhere other than the place that you calibrated the gauge.

And never be worried about correcting me. I'm only human and I do make mistakes. Trust me, people have caught a few on here. This place is for information, not "what Tony says, GOES!!!" hahahahaha.
Right I'm stumped again , I set up my pitch this morn and had 0 at mid , 9.6 and 9.4 , it flew ok but seemed to need a much higher head speed to hover which made it a little nervous , now I came back home and rechecked the pitch and I have 0 at mid and 8.8 and 9.0 ??? Like there is not enough travel , again I'm baffled

- - - Updated - - -

And in normal mode I have .2 at low .2 at mid and 8.0 at high ???


Well-Known Member
Ok cool I got it , in the Align T6 it's called EPA , I now have perfect pitch..... Woooohooooo!

EPA, end point adjustment?
I guess that would make sense.
Glad you got it sorted.
We can all learn something from threads like this.
I have. :)


let me ask, if you set your pitch at mid stick to 0 degrees, then set the positive and collective pitch. when you move the swash plate your gonna take that 0 degree out of the mid stick cause the control arms are connected to the swash. so when your done setting all the pitch. do you have to go back and re do the 0 degree at mid stick.


Well-Known Member
Nope, not at all, Sparse! You are simply trying to set your pitch at 0 degrees at mid stick so that you can get equal movement up and down for the positive and negative pitch. Once you are 0 degrees at mid stick and you have your positive and negative pitch set, you are good to go.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good! Just take your time. Set it up correctly....and you'll be in good shape.
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