Prop P-51 Maiden flight and Third flight by me... And one random club video.. :)


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
video says it all .. comments??? :) :)

And random club video... :)

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Staff member
Yeah, the camera was way too far down to see anything. I stopped the video about a minute in because I couldn't see anything and I was wasting bandwidth. Hope to see some good video soon.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
No the plane comes in and its visible.... You'll see my touch and goes.. I know it's long... But disnt wanna spend too much time cutting it... Looking on a phone, you'll see it but plane is small... I bring it closer just persevere through y'all! Lol

Last time was way way way worse. Nothing was visible... Lol


Staff member
I'm gonna have to teach you some editing skilz. Yes, editing takes a lot of time. Hell, the jet video (my latest) has over 24 hours in it between filming, driving and editing. That is one reason I have taken a break from videos. But, I have a strong feeling that I will be doing one when I get my shop cleaned up.
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