That is exactly my point. Just because they are making people register doesn't mean they are going to be able to identify who did what. They are not going to register, they are not going to put any identifying mark on their aircraft (like a car, firearm, boat and so on which all have multiple serial numbers on them). That is what makes this different from having to tag your vehicle every year. For that, there is a number on everything that can be traced. On a quad, helicopter, plane, glider, kite, balloon and so on, there are no identifying marks saying who it belongs to.
Hell if you wanted to frame someone, put THEIR number in your quad and do something stupid with it. How would the FAA or authorities know it wasn't theirs? Hundreds of thousands of these things have ALREADY been purchased and I can assure you, NONE of those people, that purchased these for the holidays know about this. They got it to have fun and the government is going to come down on them just because they are not in the loop of all of this. The news is picking this up, but what are they showing? $5000+ DJI Phantoms. They are not going to think this applies to them.
This is a setup for failure and I hope like hell the AMA can find a way to close all of the "big brother" crap that is riddled in this regulation. This is nothing more than them sticking their nose somewhere it doesn't belong. They do not understand how to regulate these things and they are just doing a bombing run on this. I know the government has my information, I worked for them. They have a lot more than that. Just the fact that you have to give them your information, again, is not my point in all of this. My point is, this is going to do NOTHING in helping keep the skys safe. It's illegal to fly with goggles, but people still do it. And yes, that is another thing they came out with. You can use a screen, but you must always have direct line of sight to the aircraft. But do people still fly with goggles, yup.
Not attacking you in any way Bill. I just think this is the best way to get the word out there of how ridiculous this regulation is and how much it's NOT going to work. There is no strategy in any of this.