Can't add a picture as my avatar...

How do I add a pic in my Profile as my avatar? I selected Settings, then clicked on "Edit Avatar" under My Settings and I see 2 sections. One has a round white dot with a black dot inside it and beside that it says "Do not use an Avatar". I've tried everything but I can't "unselect" it so I can use one. The other section has 2 pics in it of something unrelated, and I tried to add my pic there and then maybe use it from there as my Avatar but that didn't work.

Little help for the noob, please? Thanks for your help in advance - I don't know why I have so much trouble doing the simplest of things on a computer.




Well-Known Member
Once you reach a post count of 50, you can have an avatar. It might be 100, but I think its 50. So stick around and post your questions and comments. You'll get there.


Staff member
We had issues in the past with new members putting up pictures that were offensive to others, such as borderline nude photos. So for this reason, we had to put a post count on them. Most members that would do that will not stick around long enough to reach the threshold so all of the issues have been resolved on that front. Post up, it will happen faster than you think. Just look at my post count lmao.
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