10,000 Hits! Milestone


Staff member
You know, for a site that has been established for a while, that is not that impressive. But, for a site that started with nothing, and grew by word of mouth, and YouTube, 10,000 hits in 3.5 months is pretty good. I can only imagine what it's going to be like in a year. Keep up the great work guys, we are growing every day. I have a lot planned, I just have to get the time to do it all lol.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
UMM.. Sensing a Hitler kind streak here.. lol JKJK!!! WE WILL RULE THE RC WORLD MAY BE!! LOL :)


Staff member
Don't thank me, you guys are the ones that are keeping this site alive. When I lost all of the info, I wasn't going to bring the site back. Then, I started getting pounded with emails, and I had to bring it back. Thank you all for making this what it is today. All we can do is grow from here.


Great number for the time the site has been up.Lets beat that number in the same time.It will be cool to see if we can.RECRUIT NEW PEOPLE.


Staff member
Zippy, we hit the 10K milestone a while ago, and in a very short time, we are now at 15K. 5 thousand hits in a short time. And there is no sign of slowing down anytime soon. In fact, with what I did today, I'm sure we are about to get some new members.
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