Hi from East coast England!


New Member
Hi Guys
48 and still trying to fly..lol..
But seriously Guys, i saw a few of Tony's excellent video's on Youtube then found this great website/Forum and all looks good!

Flew coaxial then FP for a few years, had a crack at CP, gave up for a few years!:eek1: Now back to stay and learn CP.

Got my eye on the V977 as a trainer, looks awesome and has great reviews.

Cheers Guys.


Staff member
Welcome to RCH. I have talked to one of my vendors and I may just have this helicopter coming to me after I finish the review that is in the mail as I type this. Once I get this review done, they will (I hope), send me the V977 for review and some good videos.



New Member
Hi Tony
Thats great news! Cheers mate.
I've heard it really is an awesome Heli, better than most its size.

Really appreciate it.


Staff member
Maybe because of the beginner mode, but I'm wondering if it's going to be better than my Align 150. I love that little guy and it has SICK power! I guess we will find out if my vendor sends this to me.


Well-Known Member
Hi there Volante,

i'm from the east coast of England also, but 'up-north' (Middlesbrough).. now even further north in Aberdeen.

48 is certainly not too late to start heli flying. i've flown fixed wing RC almost all my life but started helis a little older than you are now and while I'll never be a 3D heli flying champion i can fly well enough and I dont crash, which is all i'm looking for!

When/if you decide to move on the the more serious 'hobby grade' helis the cost can be a bit prohibitive but there are some great bargains to be found in the 'almost new' second hand market, so that's something to think about when the time comes. Joining a club is a great way of making the learning curve shorter and a lot more fun.
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