Feels like coming home :-)


New Member
Looks like a rather pleasant forum folks.

For what it's worth I'm Ruaidhrí Murphy (say "Rory"), 67 yr old retired Customs Enforcement Officer here in sunny (???) Ireland.
Married 45 yrs to Sheila, 2 sons, 1 daughter, all married and have given us grandkids - hence my newly awakened interest in R/C.

Used to fly c/l scale back in the days when the world was still flat :)
Long time wood turner and model engineer. Member Irish Woodturners Guild, Society of Ornamental Turners, and Dublin Society of Model and Experimental Engineers.

Gear (at present) Turnigy 9xr Pro, Bixler 2, enough foamboard and bits for a few more when that is wrecked :)

Enough for now.

Kind regards,


Staff member
Hey Ruaidhrí, welcome to RCH. Looks like you have a passion for foamboard and foam planes. I'm sure you know, I have two plans here on the site that are completely free to download, and I'm hoping to create more at a later date. Just need more time in a day lol.

Ireland huh? Man I have always wanted to go there! I had a family friend that lives there and she kept sending me pictures of that place. Absolutely beautiful. One day I hope, I will be able to go.

If you have any questions, all you have to do is post up.

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